Automating Multi-Throw Multilateral Surgial Suturing with a Mechanical Needle Guide and Sequential Convex Optimization
Robotic Surgical Assistants (RSA)
Fig. 1: The figure outlines the Multi-Throw Suturing Finite State Machine. First the surgeon specifies a suture path with wound width &
depth and suture pitch. The system then computes the number of suture throws required; and generates entry & exit points, and optimized
trajectories along with required needle size for each throw of the MTS. Each of the steps S1-S5 (see Figure 1) are repeated with visual
feedback for each suture throw until all suture throws are completed.
Fig. 2: The needle trajectory labeled (3) shows the desired trajectory
along with poses at entry and exit points from the tissue. The
success of suturing depends on correct orientation of needle with
respect to the tissue. For example, uncertainty in needle pose at
entry point may result in the needle not connecting opposite tissue
sides (1), not making sufficiently deep insertion to hold the suture
securely (2), not having enough length of needle at the other end
to enable re-grasping (4), or passing completely under the wound
and not exiting the tissue at all (5).
Fig. 3: The optimization steps and non-holonomic motion at each time-step. The figure shows stay-out zones $\mathcal O_i$, trajectory poses $X_t$, step-size $\delta$, needle radius $r$, and $\gamma$-cone of allowed rotation at each $X_t$.
Fig. 4: The side view of three needle trajectories generated by SPP. Trajectory 1 and 3 are constant curvature trajectories whereas
trajectory 2 is a variable curvature trajectory.
Fig. 5: This figure illustrates the design and function of the 3D-printed Suture Needle Angular Positioner (SNAP). Figures (a) and (b)
show a convex depression in which needle rests upon gripper closure. Figure (d) shows a time-lapse figure of the gripper closing action
on needle orientation
Fig. 6: This figure shows an overview of the needle tracking pipeline, from stereo images to the final needle pose estimate overlaid onto
the original scene. We fuse a Kalman Filter estimate with current camera estimate to compute the final estimate. The tracking system is
robust to outliers and missing data in the segmentation masks
TABLE I: Error in Relative Needle Pose (Over 20 Trials) uses cookies to help give you the best possible user experience and to allow us to see how the site is used. By using this site, you agree that we can set and use these cookies. For more information on cookies and how to change your settings, see our Privacy Policy.